Microsoft Rewards Punch Cards are monthly activities you perform to earn extra rewards points. Activities can searches, quizzes or purchases. The month of April focuses on the environment and how to create a better, more sustainable world. According to their description, “Small changes can have a huge impact on your life and our planet’s health. Learn more about key global environmental movements with Bing!”
If you complete all four activities, you can earn 150 Microsoft Rewards points. Day two tests your knowledge of house plants that can reduce airborne pathogens to help purify the air you breathe. If you answer all the questions correctly, you’ll earn 100 points. We’ve included the answers below. Days pne, three and four are search activities. Click the button to view the search results. However, once you start with Day One, you’ll have to wait 24 hours to access the Day two quiz. Each activity has a 24 hour wait limit. Complete all four activities by April 30, 2023 at 11:59:59 PT and you’ll earn an extra 50 points.
If you are not familiar with Microsoft Rewards, it is a rewards program that allows you to earn points. You are rewarded for searching, shopping, gaming and completing activities with Microsoft. These points can be redeemed for gift cards like Walmart or Xbox or donations for charity. If you do not have a Microsoft Rewards account, sign up free here. Also, review our post to get answers to the Microsoft Rewards Daily Set quizzes for April.

Day 1. Clean energy for a clean world.
- Solar panels convert sunlight into what type of energy?
- Electricity
- What is currently the world’s largest source of renewable energy?
- Hydropower
- What type of energy drives the generator of a wind turbine?
- Kinetic energy
- Which energy source creates the most carbon pollution?
- Coal
- Which of the following is NOT a renewable source of energy?
- Natural gas
- What is the process that solar cells use to produce energy called?
- Photovoltaic effect
- Which type of energy is derived from living things?
- Bioenergy
- In December 2022, scientists announced a major breakthrough in which type of renewable energy?
- Nuclear
- Which type of energy is NOT weather-dependent?
- Geothermal
- Which country gets more than 90% of its heating from geothermal energy?
- Iceland